You’ve Been Making Coffee the Wrong Way, so Here’s How to Do It Right

You’ve Been Making Coffee the Wrong Way, so Here’s How to Do It Right
making coffee

Is making coffee a vital part of your morning routine?

If it is, count yourself among 400 million people who are making coffee on a daily basis.

Coffee has astounding benefits and astonishing effects. You can make the most of your early morning Java if you prepare it correctly.

That said, take a few precautions while getting that morning brew ready.

The Effects of Coffee

Whether coffee is harmful or beneficial is still a subject of debate, so you may want to know what it does to your body. Caffeine enters your bloodstream ten minutes after you’ve drunk a cup of coffee.

Your heart rate will accelerate, and you’ll experience a burst of energy. According to Susan Roberts, Professor of Nutrition at Tufts University, it makes you more energetic because it blocks the adenosine receptors, which tell you when it’s time to sleep.

Furthermore, because stimulants like dopamine and glutamine take effect, you feel especially gung-ho. You’ll begin to experience this after 20 minutes. Your body starts to produce the hormone, adrenaline, 30 minutes after you’ve had your coffee. It encourages blood flow to the muscles.

The Benefits of Coffee

So what are the advantages of having caffeine course through your body like this? This stimulant sounds scary, but like others, it has incredible effects.

First of all, coffee improves you mentally, a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s.’Disease shows that it curbs cognitive decline. And then, it has all the nutrients you need.

A cup of Java has about 11% of your body’s needed Vitamin B2 intake. It also contains essential minerals like Pantothenic Acid, Potassium, Manganese and Niacin. Those who don’t love their vegetables will feel relieved because it’s a good fiber source.

Also, it helps to rein in your weight. Studies in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition prove that it assists metabolism and fat burning. It also reduces the risk of obesity-related conditions.

Furthermore, coffee, according to researcher Samuel Bellet, improves physical performance. Caffeine causes body fat to break down into adrenaline.You’ll not only lose weight but feel perky as well.

Moreover, it plays a part in protecting your body against diseases like Parkinson’s and Cancer. Research by Prediger, RD, shows that it’s a therapeutic tool for patients with PD.

A study published in the BMJ journal shows that people who took in coffee were at a lower risk of developing hepatocellular (liver) cancer. This favored beverage a rich source of antioxidants and contributes the highest number of them to the Spanish diet.

Do you need glasses? According to studies, coffee may prevent your eyesight from deteriorating further. You’ll have researcher Hollim Jiang to thank because he discovered that the chlorogenic acid in coffee reduces retinal damage.

Finally, it ensures that you’ll always have a big, bright smile. Researchers have found that it plays a big part in preventing tooth decay.

Have You Been Making Coffee The Wrong Way?

You won’t reap these benefits if you take your coffee the wrong way. Here are some mistakes you may have made when brewing it, and how you can avoid them.

1.Making coffee too early

First of all, you may take your coffee too soon after you get up. Try making your must-have cuppa after 10 a.m. instead. Your body releases more cortisol, the stress-relieving hormone early in the morning because stress levels are higher than usual then.

Since coffee curbs cortisol, you may find that your early morning boost is not as useful as you’d like. Have it between 10 a.m. and noon, when your body’s natural cortisol levels have reduced.

2. Not making coffee at the right temperature

Contrary to what you may believe, the right temperature for coffee is just under boiling point. Using water that’s too hot may prevent full extraction. Your coffee may end up tasting like rubber. The perfect temperature for coffee is 200 degrees Fahrenheit.

3. Using Water Straight from the Tap

Then, you may boil your coffee using water straight from the tap. It may contain not only harmful microorganisms but also contaminants like hormones and pesticides. Either boil your water first or run it through a water filter.

4. Using plastic Covers

Another mistake you may make to use Keung, Chemex, Aeropress or other plastic servers. Their plastic frames make them hard to recycle. When choosing a coffee maker, make sure that it’comprises recyclable plastic. You’ll not only avoid dangerous chemicals but stay environmentally friendly.

5. Forgetting Cleanliness

Are you too busy to clean your coffee machine? You can’t do without coffee. Cleaning it prevents oil and bacteria from accumulating.

6. Not considering bean quality

You may also forget to consider grain quality. Coffee grounds may vary depending on region and variety. Sadly, not all of them produce top-quality coffee, so do your research before buying them.

It’s also important to consider how fresh they are. Many people make the mistake of grinding, then storing their coffee grounds for ages. To guarantee that your pot of coffee is fresh, grind your coffee grounds just before using them.

7. The Size of Your Coffee Grounds

Finally, you may forget that size counts with coffee grounds. Your Java may have a bitter taste if you grind them too finely. You may get a flat cup of coffee if you use coarse beans. Make sure that you set your coffee maker at the right level so that you have a cuppa that suits your taste.

In all, go about making coffee the right way. You’ll start and end your day with a bang.

Original article and pictures take site
