Warning Signs of Compulsive Lying In A Relationship

Warning Signs of Compulsive Lying In A Relationship
Compulsive Lying Relationship

Everyone lies.

When someone asks you ‘How was your day?” you may reply “Good, and yours?’

You’re fibbing if your boss just rapped you on the head because of a failed project. Everyone lies to avoid conflict or awkward social situations, but some people do it compulsively. Of course, it damages relationships. How would you know if your partner engages in compulsive lying?

What is Pathological or Compulsive Lying?

Compulsive or pathological lying (pseudologia fantastica) describes a condition in which a person lies all the time.

Compulsive liars are master storytellers. They specialize in stretching the truth, so the tales they tell have truthful elements.

They lie for an extended period, usually to present themselves in a positive light. The lying usually has an internal motivation.

Causes of Pathological or Compulsive Lying

Compulsive lying is a complicated health condition. Consequently, mental health professionals haven’t understood it fully.

However, many experts feel that it’s because of other mental health conditions like ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and Bipolar Disorder.

A person’s environment may also make him or her lie out of habit. Parental modeling and issues with the nervous system may lead to this behavior.

6 Signs of Pathological or Compulsive Lying

Habitual liars hide the truth well, so it’s hard to tell that they’re doing so. Telling if your partner is one is an even greater task because couples often use white lies to avoid conflicts.

That doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to spot the signs. Here are six that will show if your partner tends to lie compulsively.

1. Compulsive liars lie often.

First of all, compulsive lying means lying often. The lies are subtle and about little things. There is also some truth to a liar’s stories. Therefore, it is hard to spot his or her lies.

2. Compulsive liars are attention seekers

Habitual liars crave the limelight. If your partner is one, you’ll find that he or she is the life of any party. He or she will become the focus of conversations.

3. These liars have self-esteem issues.,

Liars often brag because it boosts their self-confidence. It gives their egos a lift. If your partner loves to blow his or her trumpet, he or she may lie about other things.

4. Liars have telling body language.

Another way to spot a compulsive liar is through his or her body language. Liars will avoid eye contact. That said, skilled compulsive liars will still look you in the eye while lying to you.

Also, liars may sweat or fidget as they lie. Again, experienced ones will know how to control this behavior.

5. Compulsive liars change their stories

Compulsive liars tell tall stories that are seldom the same the next time you hear them. Your partner may win the next storytelling competition because he or she tells tall tales all the time.

6. These liars won’t admit the truth.

Compulsive liars will never give in even after you’ve caught them in a lie because they feel that it’s their responsibility to see it through.

Treatment for Compulsive Lying

So, your partner is a compulsive liar, but he or she doesn’t do so to harm your relationship. His or her lying is just a force of habit, so you may want to give him or her a little push to give it up.

If you’ve noticed that your partner is prone to compulsive lying, take action. You may want your partner to seek help. Alternatively, you may want to reassess your relationship.

Original article and pictures take www.lifeadvancer.com site
