Try This Amazing Lung Cleansing Remedy to Suppress the Health Effects of Smoking!

Try This Amazing Lung Cleansing Remedy to Suppress the Health Effects of Smoking!
Suppress the Health Effects of Smoking

Do you know the effects of smoking but can’t seem to find a way out of the habit?

Worry not as we have a simple solution to cleanse your lungs and remove tar.

First of all, it’s important for you to understand the health hazards of tobacco smoking. It is no secret that smoking is a bad habit that harms your health – a fact that is known to everyone regardless of their opinions on the habit.

In fact, it causes one in five deaths in the entire United States.

Another negative stat that might shock you is that since 1964, 20 million Americans have died because of smoking and an additional 2.5 million have succumbed to exposure to secondary tobacco smoke.

Tobacco has around 7000 chemicals with 70 of them having been identified to predispose your body to cancer. Tobacco smoke can affect the lungs so the best decision is to quit smoking completely, but if you are still in doubt, then take a peek at these facts:

The dangers of smoking:

  • It is responsible for 85% cause of lung cancer.
  • Smoking increases the risk of heart attack.
  • It causes premature skin aging.
  • Smokers are more stressed than non-smokers.
  • Reduces blood circulation in the feet and hands causing pain.
  • Smokers are more likely to lose their teeth due to nicotine coloring them.

Try this effective method of cleansing your lungs to remove tar

Regardless of if you are convinced of the dangers of the smoking or not, there is a solution to help you reduce the effects of smoking on your body. You will just need simple ingredients to try it out.


  • Ginger root
  • 400g onion
  • 2 teaspoons turmeric powder
  • 400 g sugar or honey
  • 1-liter water

How to prepare

Boil a liter of water, then add sugar or honey to the boiling water. You can then add chopped onions and grated ginger root to the boiling water.

Once the mixture has boiled, add turmeric powder while reducing heat as the liquid simmers till it reduces by half.

Remove the whole mixture from the heat and put it in a fridge to cool.


Just take two spoonfuls of the remedy in the morning before drinking or eating anything and after dinner or as a late-night snack.

Health benefits of these ingredients:

1. Onion

It is a good lungs’ cleaner and prevents many diseases, including lung infections.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric cleanses your blood and prevents inflammation. It is a superb anti-bacterial, antiseptic and anti-viral.

3. Ginger

It is a natural medicine and food that helps in fighting malignant diseases and can also be used to relieve off toxins in the lungs. You can eat ginger in a meal or consume ginger root tea and smoothen your breathing.

Your health is a very important aspect of your life, thus, keep in mind that smoking is an enemy of your body.

Unfortunately, quitting is always easier said than done. So as you contemplate quitting, why not try this remedy and reduce the effects of smoking on your health!


Original article and pictures take site
