This Single Mineral is Great for Fluoride Detox

This Single Mineral is Great for Fluoride Detox
  • selenium-fluoride-detox

Fluoride is a neurotoxin. It’s in our water and the food supply. It has been linked to cancer, neurological disorders, and obesity.

As long ago as 1947, fluoride was known to cause cancer. Water fluoridation has been banned in most of Europe, Japan, and China.

Dr. Dean Burk, chief chemist at the National Cancer Institute, gave an interview forty years ago reviewing the results of a then-current study in which he answered in response to the question, “Is this conclusive evidence that fluoride kills because of cancer?”:

“It is one of the most conclusive bits of scientific and biological evidence that I have come across in my 50 years in the field of cancer research…This [fluoride in the public water supply] amounts to public murder on a grand scale–it is a public crime…This indicates a very strong unethical aspect to forcing people to kill themselves.”

In a separate statement to the US Congress, he said:

“In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer death, and causes it faster, than any other chemical.” – Congressional Record 21 July 1976

It has become a political issue which is why no overhaul eliminating this chemical from what we eat and drink has taken place. Until we can get it out of the substances we ingest and use topically, it might be a good idea to help our bodies purge it naturally.

It’s easy enough to avoid fluoride in tubes of toothpaste and dental hygiene products. When you go to the dentist, you can politely decline the fluoride treatment (and save some money, too).

Fluoride Promotes Oxidation in the Body.

There are natural ways to detoxify your body from this dangerous substance and support your immune system by supplementing with antioxidants.

This Mineral Can Help Detox.

Selenium is known to exist in glutathione, one of the body’s most powerful antioxidants. Supplementation with this mineral has even had positive effects on people with coronary artery disease.

It is found in trace amounts in many foods so a balanced diet may give you enough. Fish, meat, whole grains, seeds, and nuts all contain selenium.

Too much selenium is counter-productive; don’t supplement without professional guidance and limit daily intake to under 200 micrograms. Magnesium has been shown to effectively absorb fluoride so make sure you get enough of it; spinach, broccoli, and peas are great sources.



Turmeric is an herb that has also been shown to decrease inflammation and support antioxidant activity.

Curcumin is the active component in turmeric that curbs degenerative effects. Good not only for fluoride detoxification, there are indications for arthritis, cancer, colitis, and heart disease.

Fluoride exists in foods you may not consider; any processed food that contains water most likely includes its constituent fluoride. Avoid soft drinks especially, as they are mostly water (and sugar, another–albeit different–health hazard).

Filtering water from your tap using conventional home filters like Brita won’t remove the fluoride; water purified via reverse osmosis does.

Something as basic as the water you drink should be toxin-free. Any incidental indications of its influence on the development of dental cavities aside (this remains a controversial issue and is not definitive), they are far overshadowed by the scientific evidence of fluoride’s dangerous effects.


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