The Best Kept Secrets for Naturally Healthy Skin

The Best Kept Secrets for Naturally Healthy Skin
Best Kept Secrets for Naturally Healthy Skin

When it comes to attaining a youthful, glowing complexion, beauty really is skin deep.

A healthy diet and lifestyle can delay the natural ageing process and alleviate common skin conditions. It can repair the skin’s internal structure, enhancing the effects of beauty products and dermatology treatments. Achieve a flawless complexion by making a positive change in your life and following these four simple steps.

Sun protection

Excessive sun exposure can cause lasting damage to your skin and accelerate the signs of aging. Aesthetician Sia Hendry explains how UV radiation can lead to wrinkles and age spots.

“Ultraviolet rays can cause significant dermatological damage, lowering overall collagen and elastin levels,” says Hendry. “In turn, this can lead to thinning of the skin and loss of its natural elasticity.”

To protect your skin from permanent sun damage and prevent premature aging, it is important to apply SPF50+ sunscreen and wear protective clothing when you’re outside.

Poor nutrition can have a detrimental effect on your skin tissue and cell turnover. For some people, this can lead to pimples, blackheads and oily skin. Hendry outlines how a healthy diet will enhance the effects of dermatological treatments and help control acne.

“A well-balanced diet can prevent nutrient deficiencies that affect the overall appearance of your skin.”

“To keep your complexion clear and healthy, it is important to eat low-fat foods.”

A flawless complexion is a reflection of inner health and wellbeing. A wholesome diet, enriched with fruits, vegetables, grains and lean proteins, will enhance the skin’s elasticity and give it a healthy glow. Foods that are high in antioxidants and Vitamin C will protect the skin from free radicals, slowing the aging process.

Aside from its links to cancer and lung disease, smoking can also have disastrous effects on your appearance. Nicotine restricts blood flow to your skin, so that less oxygen and nutrients can reach the surface. This accelerates the aging processes, leading to lines, wrinkles and age spots. Smoking has also been associated with a number of skin disorders, such as psoriasis and hidradenitis suppurativa.

Sleep deprivation can cause your skin to sag and bag around your eyes. When you’re sleep deprived, your body produces excess cortisol, which can lead to a wide range of inflammatory skin conditions and disorders. Hendry explains that like the rest of your body, your skin needs time to rest and recuperate.

“Sleep induces the production of growth hormones that repair and rebuild skin tissue. It reboots the circulatory system, increasing blood flow to the surface of your skin.”

To maintain a glowing, radiant complexion, it’s important to get at least eight hours of beauty sleep every night. It is also important to clean and cleanse your face before hitting the sack.

Healthy skin constitutes a glowing, radiant complexion. By making a few simple changes to your lifestyle, you can dramatically improve the overall appearance of your skin.

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