Non Tested GMO Bananas Are Going To Be Used In Experiment on American Students

Non Tested GMO Bananas Are Going To Be Used In Experiment on American Students
gmo banana

Untested GMO bananas will be used for the direct experiment on American college women. This fall will begin the testing of the new genetically modified bananas with artificial levels of beta-carotene in humans.

(Beta-carotene is also called pro-vitamin A because it encourages the creation of this important vitamin in the human body.) Scientists plan on feeding the university students in Iowa with the “monstrous fruit”.

These tests are carried out on people with no previous experiments on animals, so it is not known what kind of consequences will appear on the students’ health. The Des Moines Register reported that in first test there will be selected 12 students from a total of 500 students who responded to the call to volunteer.

They will consume genetically modified bananas for four days, during three separate periods of study. As compensation for their participation in the study, which resulted in a complete unknown, students’ will receive 900 dollars.

GMO banana as a project funded by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and launched by Queensland University of Technology in Australia. It is intended for the cultivation and use of banana in poor African countries where lack of vitamin A is very widespread.

GMO bananas companies guarantee higher profits.Genetically modified food, like bananas, is resistant to bacterial diseases, worms and weevils. The company guarantees safe production of the classic banana, and thus higher profits. 2020 “super-bananas” should start to grow in Uganda. If this project gets a green light, the breeding will go to Rwanda, Kenya and Tanzania as well.

Opponents of the research, including the world renowned scientists, warn that genetically modified bananas has not been tested by any living being, let alone the people.

They are concerned because they do not know how this research is conducted or whether the students know what they eat. They warn that excess synthetic vitamin A in the body can be dangerous and with toxic effects.

This is not the first attempt

GMO bananas is not the first global project that is offered as a solution to vitamin A deficiency worldwide. The forerunner of bananas was infamous project “golden rice” enriched with pro-vitamin A, which has so far failed all tests.

Dangerous genetically modified food shows as unnecessary because nature already has a solution for the lack of vitamin A in the human body. Mango and sweet potato contain high levels of beta-carotene as well as carrots, pumpkins, persimmons apples, apricots and spinach.

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