Juicing For Health

Juicing For Health

You’ve no doubt heard about the juicing phenomenon somewhere in your comings and goings. If it’s not the queen of all media Oprah Winfrey discussing it with Dr. Oz or a late night infomercial giving you a grocery list of health benefits from their high tech juicer, there are always the latest trends in juicing diets as covered by one fitness guru or another.

But you’ve only got two questions in mind: What is juicing and why is it good for me?

What Is Juicing ?

Juicing is the extraction of juice from fruits and vegetables, in an effort to retain all the phytonutrients, enzymes and vitamins the whole foods themselves ordinarily possess. But it does so by leaving behind the fiber, pulp, skin, rinds, etc. that can be heavy on the digestive system.

In fact the digestive system more readily digests liquid than food. So juicing’s first mission is to promote easy digestion. Imagine taking a gold sifting pan and searching for gold in a muddy creek.

You have to strain all the bits of dirt, rock and sediment before you can find the nuggets of gold. In a similar fashion, juicing aims to sift through the plant and fruit tissue to get to the vitamin rich juice.

That being said, eating your fruits and vegetables is still good for your health as it has always been. One of the main reasons juicing appeals to so many people is because it’s not heavy on your stomach. If you aren’t a fan of eating fruits and vegetables, you can down your daily fruit and vegetable nutritional needs in a glass.

The second reason is that it would be nearly impossible to eat the amount of vegetables that you can easily juice in order to gain the same amount of vitamins and nutrients. But hold that thought. We’ll come back to that same discussion when we touch on fruit later.

Juicing can be performed with a blender or with various incarnations of juicers. While a blender mixes everything together, leaving you to do the grunt work of straining the liquid from the pulp; juicers are specifically purposed for extracting the juice from the pulp. There are three forms of juicers.​

Reasons Why You May Want To Start Juicing

Energy. Appetite. Nutrition. These are three of the most important factors to consider when trying to lose weight. Luckily, juicing covers all bases - and it tastes great too! Read on to find out the best ways to use juicing for weight loss.

The media is full of whacky "detox" diets. It's hard to know what actually works. We recommend keeping it simple with nature's basics - fruit and veg. These 7 juice recipes will provide that boost you're looking for, without any strange side-effects.

It's no coincidence that the incidence of many diseases is on the rise as our diet moves further and further from its wholefood roots. Upping your intake of fresh fruit and veg is known to improve health, but a plate full of greens can be hard to stomach. Blending everything into a tasty juice makes it easy to get your daily dose of natural, disease-fighting antioxidants.

Health Benefits of Juices

Juicers Reviews

Bonus: What are the Health Benefits of Juicing on Your Organs?

juicing health benefits

Original article and pictures take healthambition.com site
