How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness

How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness
How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness | The Easy Homestead (.com)

Some folks call it an urban legend…

We like to call it “it always has worked for us so we do it.”

The onion trick (as we call it) just happens to work for this “crazy homesteadin’ lady.” And that’s all that matters, right?

It’s been said that people did use onions to fight off the flu (aka- a virus) for centuries.

There are no known scientific studies that “prove” that this method is actually effective. But, that doesn’t deter us in these parts. Don’t get me wrong, we are very thankful for the scientific advances that have been made, but science can be disproven- and a lot of times it is- years down the road. So, we tread lightly on what science says ’round here.

We just do what works. And the onion trick just so happens to work for us, y’all.

I swear to you that these onions are like a vacuum sucking the dirt right off the floor- but sucking the viruses/bacteria right out of the air.

The onion trick combined with my other natural remedies makes me feel like a natural healer all up in here. Now- the natural remedies and the onion trick won’t cure you, but they sure will lower the severity and shorten the duration of the illness you have! And that works for me, folks. And is exactly why we use onions to fight off illness in our home.

If you like to burn candles or have all that smelly-“good” stuff in your house then this probably isn’t the route for you- unless you like a lightly onion scented candle. It will make your house smell like onions for a short while but that ‘don’t matter in these parts.’ Here on the farm we are always cooking, chopping, canning, preserving, and the list goes on and on, so it always smells like food in the house anyways.

Note: The onion smell usually only lasts a few hours. I can deal with that, y’all.

How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness

The process is pretty simple. So simple, in fact, that Nanette Lorraine (our one year old) could it. Except we won’t let her because it involves a knife.

Don’t worry- there’s no chopping involved- just a couple slices and BAM! Done.

There are two ways you can do this. Most people I know use one onion for each room. I am way to frugal and I like to use my onions in my cooking, so I use one onion (cut in half) for two rooms. When illness strikes I always place onions in all 3 bedrooms, the living room, and the kitchen.

All you are doing is slicing the ends of an onion, placing on a small plate, and sit back and watch it suck up all the bad stuff in your home. Well- not really. But you will SMELL it doing that (*wink*).

Yellow onions are best. White onions will work if that is all you have on hand. I wouldn’t recommend using red, BUT if you are in a bind, and that’s all you have- by all means use that baby!

How to Cut ONE Onion for One Room

How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness | The Easy Homestead (.com)
1. Start with a whole yellow onion in all its yummy glory!

How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness | The Easy Homestead (.com)
3. Place that bad boy on a small plate. Put the plate in the room you want. Done- just like that!

How to Cut ONE Onion for TWO Rooms

How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness | The Easy Homestead (.com)
2. Chop off one end of the onion. It doesn’t matter what end.

How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness | The Easy Homestead (.com)
3. Cut onion in half. Place each half on a different plate cut side down. Place each half in a different room.

How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness – LIKE A REALLY YUCKY– Something Big Type Illness.

Note: You can do what is in the following pics but it WILL smell extra oniony…

How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness | The Easy Homestead (.com)
Cut off both ends of the onion.

How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness | The Easy Homestead (.com)
Slice in half.

How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness | The Easy Homestead (.com)
Place each half on a plate. Place each plate in a different room OR place each plate in different parts of ONE room.

LOOK AT ME!! Notes that You Should Read!

* You should replace the onions every 24 hours- but let’s get real, y’all. I usually replace them every 48.

** Do NOT feed these onions to the farm animals or put them in the compost pile. PUT THEM IN THE TRASH!

** I have used one onion cut into four pieces for four rooms when I was in a late night bind. Worked fine until I could get my hands on some more onions the next day.

Are you willing to try to use onions to fight off illness in your home?!?

P.S. Wanna see some more awesome natural remedies for the yuckies? Then follow me on Pinterest (click HERE)!

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