How to Make Homemade Detox Foot Pads to Remove Toxins from Your Body

How to Make Homemade Detox Foot Pads to Remove Toxins from Your Body
Make Homemade Detox Foot Pads Remove Toxins

Let’s learn how to get rid of your body’s toxins with homemade detox foot pads.

Every day we consume different kinds of processed and unhealthy foods, soft drinks and alcohol.

Other bad habits, such as cigarettes, are greatly affecting the health of modern humans. Also, there is the pollution of the environment, unhealthy lifestyle… In this way, all different kinds of toxins are deposited in our body and make us less healthy species than any other inhabitant of Earth. In simple words, every day we are getting sicker.

It would be wonderful to wake up one morning without all the toxins in the body and feel reborn. Imagine just waking up and feeling full of energy and without any pain or discomfort. Ready to jump out of our beds and start being creative, productive and awesome. Any human would feel more than happy to have this powerful feeling in the morning.

This is something that many therapies promise, but do any of them really work?

What if we tell you that now it’s possible to liberate your organism from all the toxins with homemade detox foot pads. And what’s even more interesting, it’s really easy and cheap.

Detoxification pads are positioned to the soles of the feet and they are actually detoxifying and cleaning the whole body. The idea came from the wise Japanese people. The pads need to be placed on the soles at bedtime. In the morning, you will wake up fresh, rested and enthusiastic. These pads are easy and cheap to make and they really work. The proof of their efficiency will be visible in the morning. You will find dark brown stains of toxins in the pads that you will remove.

Detox pads for soles will remove all toxins from the body. If you use homemade detox foot pads, you might feel a significant reduction of constant fatigue. Also, you will get rid of joint pain and have fewer headaches.

Detox pads act to force blood circulation and lymph in the torso. In fact, our sedentary lifestyle is to be blamed for that circulation ‘stuck’ around the ankles, the lower legs, and feet. If you use the homemade detox foot pads, they will significantly reduce many symptoms of constant poisoning of our organism.

For detoxification sole pads you will need:

  • A piece of onion
  • 1, 2 cloves of garlic
  • Water
  • An ordinary gauze or adhesive gauze
  • Patch to fix
  • Cotton socks


First finely chop garlic and onion. Set them aside. Second, put a pot filled with water to boil, then add the onion and garlic. Allow it to boil for 10 minutes. Remove the mixture from heat and allow it to cool for 20 minutes.

The fourth step is to pour a little bit of this liquid to a piece of gauze, just enough to be soaked. If you use a self-adhesive gauze make sure that the sticky part does not get wet. If you wet the gauze too much, squeeze out any excess liquid.

Place this pad in the middle of the foot sole (if you use plain gauze secure it with a patch). Put on the socks so that the pads do not fall off. In the morning you will feel and see the results of the detoxication.

These homemade detox foot pads are a great method that will help you to prepare yourself for everyday stress. Followed by a consumption of onions and garlic as food, you will make sure that your immune system, overall metabolism of your body performs on its top. Many symptoms of a different daily overload of toxins and stress will disappear.


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