How to Increase Energy – 5 foods that you should be eating

How to Increase Energy – 5 foods that you should be eating
how to increase energy

I’m pretty sure most of you (me included) are hoping to drop a few pounds now that it is a new year. However, we often find ourselves dragging and struggling with lack of energy. I thought it would be fun to talk about how to increase energy just by eating certain foods.

Plant based foods are not generally known for their energy producing qualities but they should be. There are hundreds if not thousands of plant based or vegetarian foods out there that can do wonders for us in workout arena. Whether you are trying to power a training regiment or simply want to get a boost of energy to make it through the workday, here are several plant based options that will give you the boost you need:

apples and oranges

1. Apples and Oranges

ou can really insert your own fruit here because they are loaded with energy boosting natural sugars. Not only are they great for a boost, they are wonderful for the taste buds. If you really want something delicious and quick, you could do worse than a piece of fruit.


2. Almonds and Nuts

These are wonderful because of the magnesium levels found inside. This allows the sugar that you are processing inside to get properly broken down. There are many foods that are high in magnesium, but almonds are a favorite. They are quick and easy and they absolutely will power you through a workout. Personally…. I’m in love with Almonds.

How to Keep Salad Fresh
How to Keep Salad Fresh

3. Greens and leafy veggies

Leafy veggies are one of the most powerful natural foods on the planet. Whether it is spinach, lettuce, kale or any of the variations of each, leafy veggies are a staple that should be part of any diet. Leafy greens will provide you with magnesium and many other types of vitamins that are vital to boost your energy levels. Make sure you read my post on how you can keep that salad fresh longer.

pumpkin seeds

4. Pumpkin Seeds

These are awesome because they fit neatly in a pocket. These little treats are a great source of magnesium as well and they are readily available. Pumpkin seeds are dirt cheap and will give you all kinds of energy. They also happen to be quite tasty.

black beans in the crockpot

5. Beans

If you are not including beans in your diet, you are doing your body a disservice. You have to keep the fiber sources coming and particularly so if you are a vegetarian. Try some variations of beans to boost your energy levels the next time you are feeling sluggish. Beans fill you up and help you to feel empowered through your workouts. Make sure you see how we cook dried beans in the crock pot and freeze them. That is an easy way to save money (and sodium) on beans.

increase energy with food

Gaining energy is a big deal when you are trying to drop a few pounds. However, you don’t have to spend a lot of money or take extra supplements to gain energy. Just try a few of these foods!

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