Get Rid of Neck and Shoulder Pain with This 2-Minute Exercise You Can Do at Your Desk!

Get Rid of Neck and Shoulder Pain with This 2-Minute Exercise You Can Do at Your Desk!
Get Rid of Neck and Shoulder Pain

Do you work in an office setting where you are expected to sit down, glued to your computer for the better part of the day?

Most of you hate to admit that despite the fact that this pays your bills at the end of the day; it can be a bit overwhelming. You end up going home with a stiff neck and probably shoulder pain too. Sometimes you might even get to a point of contemplating between your job and your health.

Fortunately, with the current modern world, there seems to be a solution for ‘almost’ every problem including this kind of neck and shoulder pain.

Thera-Band elastic tubing should be your perfect choice. Wondering why? As an employee, most of the time you are expected to get to work as early as possible and virtually all of this time you won’t have the time to focus on most things, especially your health, which is a very important factor. Thera-Band elastic tubing will ensure that you get rid of the neck and shoulder pain for as less as 2-minutes of exercise time!

Need proof? A random study done in Copenhagen, Denmark, by Lars Andersen Ph.D. and some of his colleagues, for trial purposes, showed how Thera-Band elastic tubing helped randomly-chosen 549 office workers, to reduce neck and shoulder pain. The subjects were put into three categories; a 2-minute exercising group, 12-minute exercising group, and a completely non-exercising group. The exercise which took place for 10 weeks, 5 days per week, with an adherence of 65%, showed the little time the office workers needed to stay healthy. In fact, there was no difference in improvement of neck and shoulder pain for the exercising groups.

What does this mean? It can only take two minutes of your day to get you back in shape. It benefits both your job in terms of productivity and your body healthwise. This has a significant effect on both the employees and the employers. Thera-Band is best acquired by employers at workplaces too. It will help the employees be more productive thus reducing the health costs incurred by the employers.

In conclusion, Thera-Band is the ultimate choice; it is a necessity. It does not only relieve the neck and shoulder pain but also reduce headaches significantly. You can get Thera-Band elastic tubing by visiting the Thera-Band Academy Neck Pain Resource Centre website. It will never disappoint you and most importantly, save you both your health and time.

Original article and pictures take site
