Frequent Mood Swings May Reveal These 11 Underlying Problems

Frequent Mood Swings May Reveal These 11 Underlying Problems
Frequent Mood Swings

No one is just “crazy” so let’s stop the stigma about mood swings. Honestly, there are many things which trigger these changes in character.

There is a negative view on mood swings and the people who experience them. In fact, most all of us have been through this before, in some form or another.

It’s quite common to have a sudden change in character followed by irritability or anger.

The most important thing to understand, however, is why you have these mood swings and how you or your loved ones can get help and move past them.

Sudden character changes and their origins

So now you know that mood swings can be common, and it’s important to find a way to deal with these changes. Now, in order to help yourself or others, you must first understand what triggers these episodes. Let me break it down for you.

Physical Culprits

Mood swings aren’t always just mental issues. In fact, having mood swings can indicate a physical issue as well. After all, the body is packed full of various chemicals and hormones which have to be balanced in order to live a healthy life.

Here are a few basic areas which might experience noticeable changes.

1. Insomnia

The lack of sleep can cause all sorts of negative issues like headaches, psychosis, and even mood swings. In fact, one of the simplest solutions to ending these mood swings is to get some sleep, if possible.

Sometimes, however, it’s not that simple, and many people have to resort to all sorts of medications and therapies in order to get to sleep. If you can’t sleep, get this checked out before your moods erupt!

2. Hormone Imbalances

Especially during menopause, hormone imbalances cause irritability and drastic mood shifts. These moods, masquerading as mental issues alone, can be a direct result of this strange physical change in a woman’s life.

Men can also experience hormone imbalances as well, due to the decrease in testosterone which happens in later life. Both men and women can experience mood swings that have more physical implications that mental ones.

3. Mineral Imbalance

Not only can hormone imbalances cause mood swings, but mineral imbalances can also cause this problem as well. Minerals, such as copper, when deficient, can cause problems with energy production, immune response and calcium production.

As you know, physical pain or illness from mineral deficiencies can cause mental distress, thus creating drastic mood changes. It all seems to add up.

Of course, mood swings don’t always come from a purely physical source. I’m quite sure you’re aware of the role mental illness plays in the occurrence of mood swings. Here are few diagnosed disorders which include these mood changes.

1. Bipolar Disorder

Mood swings are prevalent in bipolar disorder mainly because of the alternating depressive and manic episodes. Although most people only encounter a change a few times a year, month or week, some people experience what is called “rapid cycling” bipolar.

Mood swings are obvious when it comes to this type of condition, so please be understanding and leave the stigma at the door.

2. Schizophrenia

Unlike bipolar disorder, although it does have it’s drastic changes at times, schizophrenia is a little more complicated. This illness almost always includes psychosis which makes mood swings more common than with other mental illnesses.

These moods can be so random that they change within minutes. This condition, as with bipolar disorder, can be treated with medication and therapy.

3. Personality Disorders

This is a category rather than a focused disorder. In fact, personality disorders encompass a wide range of disorders including, narcissism, psychotic personalities, borderline personality disorder and etc.

These illnesses have a high probability of displaying mood swings on a regular basis due to the mechanics of these illnesses.

Personal Culprits

There are also personal reasons why a person might experience swings in their moods. Perhaps some traumatic event has triggered a volcano of emotions which leave you feeling hopeless. Here are a few examples.

1. Death in the family

A sudden death in the family, the death of a child or the traumatic loss of a spouse, parent etc. can cause a horrific change in mood. This is understandable. You see, the mind has been jolted by the sudden pain and the body experiences pain as well, which leads to chemical and hormonal changes.

2. Divorce

The end of a relationship can also cause the onset of dramatic mood swings. Many people have compared the ending of a relationship to the same emotional experience of the end of a life.

This event signifies the end of many aspects of your life considering marriage is tied to other family relationships and traditions, especially if you’ve been married for years, even decades. In many cases, it takes quite a long time to adjust to this life change.

3. Moving, changing schools and jobs

It’s safe to say that any large change in your life can bring about temporary mood swings. Just like the end of things, a new beginning can also cause tension, stress and most definitely mood swings.

If you have surrounded yourself with new things, be prepared for the startling adjustment phase. It can actually be compared to placing a new fish in an aquarium. It’s a small dose of shock.

4. Bullying and abuse

Of course, mood swings are also caused by mistreatment as well. Bullying and abuse (physical, mental, emotional and sexual) can alter the character so badly that it can affect your entire life. Even something that occurred in grade school can change the way we take care of our grandchildren. The effects can really last that long.

Mood swings, of this nature, come from triggers for the most part. Something which happened during the abuse or words remembered from being bullied can cause an emotional roller coaster. Family and friends must know the history behind the outburst in order to be understanding.

5. Lost, confusion and looking for purpose

Another situation which can cause drastic changes in mood is not being able to find your life’s purpose. Living someone else’s dreams or not being able to retain yourself will cause a mental breakdown.

Unlike disorders, this issue may be temporary and can be resolved by allowing yourself the freedom to be who you truly are. If you are confused, then take some time alone to get to know yourself.

6. Substance abuse

Moods swings are glaring indications of possible substance abuse. Alcoholics, for instance, are prime examples of how bad changes in character can get. Heavy drinkers can sometimes forget their priorities, can eat foods that they otherwise would not eat, and even become violent.

Drugs can make those with substance abuse even forget important people in their lives. In these cases of changing moods, intervention may be necessary.

Dealing with Mood swings

There is not just one way to deal with mood swings. In fact, treating and supporting those who endure these episodes must be adjusted according to the reason why your loved one is suffering.

For instance, if you are experiencing mood swings of a hormonal nature, medication can help. If you are enduring mood swings because of a traumatic event, maybe all you need is time and understanding.

Consult your doctor if you are experiencing sudden changes in mood. This could just be the result of an imbalance and could quickly be resolved. Otherwise, take some time to think about your life and find the source of your issue.

If your loved one is acting out in this manner, be supportive and show love. This could be the perfect solution in itself.


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