A Lifetime of Medical Checkups [Infographic]

A Lifetime of Medical Checkups [Infographic]
A Lifetime of Medical Checkups Infographic

To add this Infographic to your blog or website, simply copy the code below and paste it into the HTML of your blog or website:<a href="http://greatist.com/health/lifetime-medical-checkups/" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.greatist.com/sites/default/files/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/A-Lifetime-of-Medical-Checkups-Infographic.png" alt="" title="A Lifetime of Medical Checkups Infographic" width="600" height="4695" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-2210" border="0" /></a><p>Get health and fitness tips at Greatist.com, one of the <a href="http://greatist.com/">best health blogs</a> online.</p>

Original article and pictures take greatist.com site
