12 Natural Remedies For Gas & Bloating

12 Natural Remedies For Gas & Bloating

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12 Natural Remedies For Gas & Bloating
Image – Everydayroots.com (with permission)

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“Wind” – Everyone knows about this uncomfortable condition – a bloated feeling in the belly caused by trapped gas, which can also be painful. And then of course, there are the farts, which although sometimes entertaining, are typically embarrassing and of course rarely as much fun for anyone in the vicinity as they are for you. Haha, let’s be honest here. Our culture has a certain amount of shame around natural bodily functions, and this can be extreme – for example it is said that in Victorian times passing gas was considered so improper that ladies would suppress it to the point of harming themselves. It’s better for your health to “let it out” – but of course it’s even more ideal to simply have less flatulence in the first place…

In general, excessive gas is caused by food that is not breaking down efficiently. There might be various causes – eating too much food, eating too much of one thing or the wrong combination of things, eating too fast, not chewing properly, and more. Digestion is a highly complex set of chemical / biological reactions – and some gas is inevitably produced. It’s impossible to prevent intestinal gas completely, however the good news is that there are a number of natural / simple remedies and preventative measures which may be of assistance!

Silent Prostate
Dr. Brownstein Reveals the
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Cancer is Coming.

Our friend Claire from Everyday Roots has written up a great page listing 12 natural remedies. Here is the link to the full list and tutorial: http://everydayroots.com/gas-remedies

Life is strange. I never thought I would find myself writing a blog post about intestinal gas. Got any other tips? Please let us know on our Facebook page or in the comments.

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=> “Red” Smoothie Helps Alabama Girl Shed 80lbs!

Original article and pictures take www.herbs-info.com site
