10 Things Your Feet Can Tell You About Your Health

10 Things Your Feet Can Tell You About Your Health


From fungus to diabetes, your feet can tell you a lot about your health. If you've been experiencing pain or any other odd symptoms, make an appointment with your physician today.


Sunken in toenails: If your toenails are sunken and have spoon-shaped indents in them, you could be anemic, which means you are low in iron. If you are anemic, you don't have enough hemoglobin, which helps transport oxygen in your blood. You'll want to get your blood tested and start taking some iron supplements.

>> If you want to lean more about iron and its importance, click here.

Hairless toes or feet: No one really wants hairy feet, but if you have very little or no hair at all, it could mean you have bad circulation (a symptom of vascular disease). If you aren't pumping enough blood to your feet, your body must prioritize its use of it, and hair is low on the totem pole.

A sore that won't heal: If you've gotten a scrape or cut on your foot from pressure or friction and it isn't going away, see a doctor. Elevated glucose will cause nerve damage and you may not even realize you're hurt. This is a huge flag for diabetes.

foot pain

Cold feet: We don't mean second-thoughts-at-the-alter type of cold feet; we mean actual cold feet. More common in women, if your feet are frequently cold, it could be a sign of a thyroid issue. Grab some wool socks and talk to your doctor.

Thick, yellow toenails: If your toenails are downright icky, there's a good chance you've got a fungus growing under them. They go easily undetected, so if you think this could be you, talk to your physician.

Sore toe joints: This is often a symptom of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a degenerative joint disease. Early detection is key to avoiding deformity, so don't hesitate to seek help.

Flakey skin: Even if your face or hands have dry skin, don't let your feet go unnoticed. It could very well be athlete's foot, which is a fungal infection usually contracted from wet places like locker rooms and pools, although you don't have to be an athlete to get it!

heel pain

Digital clubbing: If your toes have lost their normal shape and now appear to "bump" or "club" upwards at the tips, you should see a doctor. This can be a sign of pulmonary (lung) disease.

Heel pain: If you've experienced sharp pains in your heel when you stand up, it could be plantar fasciitis. This is from strain on the ligament that supports the arch in your foot. The longer you ignore plantar fasciitis, the worse it will get, so talk to your doctor soon.

Numbness: Unless you're an alcoholic or have had chemotherapy, contact your doctor, as numbness in both feet is a sign of diabetes. If only one foot is numb, it could from a pinched nerve in your foot, ankle or back.

Original article and pictures take media.womanista.com site
